‘Without You’, the second single from our upcoming cd Underworld, was released today!
Guitarist Michael Romeo comments “’Without You’ is a bit mellower than the first single, ‘Nevermore’, with a big chorus and a sweeping feel. I don’t know if I would call the track a ballad, but it’s a little bit softer, not so much about riff, but more the acoustic and electric interplay. Those two are good single choices, if you will, because they represent what the record is: it’s heavy, but at the same time, there are some of these soaring melodic parts.”
Watch the fitting lyric video here:
The video (as well as the video for Nevermore) was created by Tommy Antonini, a videographer and guitarist from Pisa, Italy who currently lives in Livorno. You can see more of Tommy’s videos on his Facebook page.
Order the digital single ‘Without You’ here:
AMZ MP3: http://nblast.de/SXWithoutYouAMZMP3
iTunes: http://nblast.de/SXWithoutYouIT
Google Play: http://nblast.de/SXWithoutYouGP
NB MP3: http://nblast.de/SXWithoutYouNBMP3
Reserve your pre-order copy of Underworld at http://nblast.de/SXUnderworld